About me / Despre mine
I was born in April 1986, in Timișoara, Romania.
I am since 2019 the owner of Foto Colorata and a freelance contributor photographer to the Mediafax photo agency, European Press Photo agency (EPA), ProSport.ro sports news portal, Sportpictures.eu, and occasionally for other agencies.
I graduated the University of West, Faculty of Arts with a Master of Arts degree in Multimedia, and have worked a few years for different media outlets, including Tion.ro, Adevarul(national newspaper), GSP (Gazeta Sporturilor), NewsIn(news agency), Banateanul (weekly news paper) and Actual Vest (local newspaper).
contact: seba.tataru(arond)yahoo.com // +40 722 259 248
All Images © since 2007 Sebastian Tătaru. No form of reproduction, including copying or saving.
**The images below are from the portfolio of Sebastian Tătaru. They are presented here for your viewing pleasure. These images may not be used elsewhere and are protected by copyright. To see these images, click on the icon and you will see a larger image.